Driving Past Oregon

A History of Oregon's Infrastructure


UPDATE ALERT! Got to take a road trip up to Astoria and then all down the coast, including some little offshoots. Most of this worked at whittling away 974. Added some post offices including the elusive Powers and Agness.

Google Earth .kmz data has been uploaded for many historic highway alignments in Oregon, Portland streetcars, cancelled freeways, and other infrastructure data.  Most is free.

Read about Portland according to what I've learned. Explanations about the history, bests, street system, and other facts about Portland.

Looking for poetry? Here beginneth my string of Portland based poems, odes, sonnets, whatever.

Got a comment or question about my page? Mail me at b.dag.name+nospam@gmail.com

Copyright 1996-2024 by Brian D'Agostine.