Oregon Zip list
Standard black text means the post office has been shot and is in the photo album. Red means I have either not driven by or could not find an old PO on a drive-by. Blue means that someone else's photo temporarily occupies the spot. Once the page is entirely black you can consider my job done.
ZIP Codes 97000-97999 are all in Oregon. The numbering scheme is as follows:
970xx: Portland suburbs, (but excluding Portland) and east to Sherman County
971xx: NW Oregon, including north coast
972xx: Portland and adjacent communities in Clackamas and Washington counties
973xx: Salem area: central coast to Cascade mountains
974xx: Eugene area: south central coast to Cascade mountains
975xx: Medford area (Jackson and Josephine counties)
976xx: Klamath Falls area (Klamath and Lake counties)
977xx: Central Oregon (primarily Crook, Deschutes, Harney, Jefferson counties)
978xx: NE Oregon (Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler counties)
979xx: SE Oregon: Malheur County plus other immediate communities (Served by Boise)
Within each 3-digit designation, numbers are issued in the following manner: The main post office is given the -01 ZIP Code (Salem 97301). Some space may or may not be reserved (-02 to -19, for instance). The rest of the communities in the area are then alphabetized and issued numbers in that order. Generally you will see the A- communities at the top of the list and the Z- communities at the bottom. In some cases, post office names may be out of order. One reason could be that a rural post office is served by another larger one as in the case of the closed out McCoy (97339) having been served by Dallas (97338).
Italicized entries are defunct ZIP Codes that are no longer recognized. Most of these communities' postal services have been absorbed by a neighboring community. Some of these ZIP Codes have been re-issued (such as 97339 from McCoy to Corvallis).
970-, 971-, and 979- do not follow the -01 nomenclature. In these cases Portland is the -01 for 970- and 971- and Boise, Idaho is the -01 for 979-. Portland is also the -01 for Washington's 986-.
ZIP Codes mostly follow county lines. Cases where they do not would include a post office and ZIP Code closing out to the most convenient post office across a county line.
Gilliam County has only two post offices, (Arlington and Condon), the fewest of any county in Oregon.
All four of Crook County's post offices and ZIP Codes are in sequential order (Paulina, Post, Powell Butte, Prineville; 97751, -52, -53, -54).
Astoria is the oldest active and continuous post office west of the Rocky Mountains.
Of any two post offices in Oregon, the closest are Mehama and Lyons at 0.56 miles apart
The most active ZIP Codes served by one post office are five from Burns: Burns, Fields, Princeton, Diamond and Frenchglen (97720, 97710, 97721, 97722 and 97736). Burns also took over Lawen (97740) upon its closure.
The New Pine Creek post office, 97635, is less than 200 feet from the California border.
The list!
top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - 986
970, East of Portland
97001, Antelope
97002, Aurora
97003, Barlow (closed to Canby)
97003, Beaverton
97004, Beavercreek
97005, Beaverton
97006, Aloha
97007, Aloha
97008, Bonneville (original holder; closed to Cascade Locks)
97008, Beaverton
97009, Boring
97010, Bridal Veil PO Boxes
97011, Brightwood
97012, Brownsmead (closed to Clatskanie)
97013, Canby
97014, Cascade Locks
97015, Clackamas
97016, Clatskanie (closed CPO's include Birkenfeld, Mist, and Westport, all 97016)
97017, Colton
97018, Columbia City
97019, Corbett
97020, Donald
97021, Dufur
97022, Eagle Creek
97023, Estacada
97024, Fairview
97025, Friend (closed to Dufur)
97026, Gervais
97027, Gladstone
97028, Government Camp
97029, Grass Valley
97030, Gresham
97031, Hood River
97032, Hubbard
97033, Kent
97034, Lake Oswego
97035, Lake Oswego
97036, Marylhurst PO Boxes
97037, Maupin
97038, Molalla
97039, Moro
97040, Mosier
97041, Mount Hood (merged with Parkdale)
97041, Mount Hood / Parkdale
97042, Mulino
97043, North Portland (absorbed into Kenton Sta., Portland)
97044, Odell PO Boxes
97045, Oregon City
97046, Orenco (speculation, now closed to Hillsboro)
97047, Parkdale (merged with Mount Hood)
97048, Rainier
97049, Rhododendron
97050, Rufus
97051, Saint Helens
97052, (not yet found)
97053, Warren (PO closed, zip delivered from St. Helens)
97054, Deer Island (PO closed, zip delivered from St. Helens)
97055, Sandy
97056, Scappoose
97057, Shaniko PO Boxes
97058, The Dalles
97059, Chenoweth (closed to The Dalles)
97060, Troutdale
97061, (not yet found)
97062, Tualatin
97063, Tygh Valley
97063, Wamic Store
97064, Vernonia
97065, Wasco
97066, (not yet found)
97067, Welches (formerly Wemme)
97068, West Linn
97069, Willamette (closed CPO of West Linn)
97070, Wilsonville
97071, Woodburn
97072, Monitor (closed CPO of Woodburn)
97073, Zigzag (closed to Rhododendron)
97074, South Junction (closed to Maupin)
97075, Beaverton PO Boxes
97076, Beaverton PO Boxes
97077, Tektronix
97078, Beaverton (previously First Consumer's National Bank, Portland office bankrupt and closed)
97080, Gresham
97086, Happy Valley (delivered from Clackamas)
97089, Damascus (delivered from Boring)
970 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - 986
971, West of Portland
97101, Amity (Perrydale CPO)
97102, Arch Cape (PO closed, zip delivered from Cannon Beach)
97103, Astoria
97104, (not yet found)
97105, (not yet found)
97106, Banks
97107, Bay City
97108, Beaver
97109, Buxton (PO closed, zip delivered from Banks)
97110, Cannon Beach
97111, Carlton
97112, Cloverdale
97113, Cornelius
97114, Dayton
97115, Dundee
97116, Forest Grove
97117, Gales Creek
97118, Garibaldi
97119, Gaston
97120, Glenwood (now served by Timber)
97121, Hammond
97122, Hebo
97123, Hillsboro
97124, Hillsboro
97125, Manning (closed CPO of Hillsboro. Zip still active, delivered from Hillsboro)
97126, Jewell (closed to Seaside)
97127, Lafayette
97128, McMinnville
97129, (not yet found)
97130, Manzanita
97131, Nehalem
97132, Newberg
97133, North Plains
97134, Oceanside
97135, Pacific City
97136, Rockaway Beach
97137, Saint Paul
97138, Seaside
97138, Gearhart (CPO of Seaside)
97139, (not yet found)
97140, Sherwood
97141, Tillamook
97142, Lee's Camp (closed CPO of Tillamook)
97143, Netarts
97144, Timber
97145, Tolovana Park
97146, Warrenton
97147, Wheeler
97148, Yamhill
97149, Neskowin
971 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
972, City of Portland
(Stations unless otherwise noted)
97201, University
97202, Sellwood-Moreland
97203, St. Johns
97204, University
97205, University
97206, Creston
97207, University PO Boxes
97208, Main PO Boxes
97209, Forest Park
97210, Forest Park
97211, Piedmont
97212, Holladay Park
97213, Rose City Park
97214, East Portland
97215, Midway
97216, Midway
97217, Kenton
97218, Rose City Park
97219, Multnomah
97220, Parkrose
97221, West Slope
97222, Milwaukie Branch
97223, Tigard Branch
97224, Tigard Branch
97225, West Slope
97227, Holladay Park
97228, Main Boxes
97229, Evergreen
97230, Parkrose
97231, St. Johns
97232, East Portland
97233, Midway
97236, Lents
97238, Airport Facility PO Boxes
97239, University
97240, Central PO Boxes
97242, Brooklyn PO Boxes
97251, Qwest
97253, US Bank
97254, Portland General Electric
97255, NW Natural Gas
97256, Pacific Power and Light
97259, AT&T
97266, Lents
97267, Oak Grove Branch
97268, Oak Grove PO Boxes
97269, Oak Grove PO Boxes
97271, ABMPS
97272, ABMPS
97280, Multnomah PO Boxes
97281, Tigard PO Boxes
97282, Sellwood-Moreland PO Boxes
97283, St. Johns PO Boxes
97286, Creston PO Boxes
97290, Lents PO Boxes
97291, Evergreen PO Boxes
97292, Midway PO Boxes
97293, East Portland PO Boxes
97294, Parkrose PO Boxes
97296, Forest Park PO Boxes
97298, West Slope PO Boxes
97299, Rose City Park PO Boxes
972 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
973, Salem and surrounds
97301, Downtown Sta.
97302, Vista Sta.
97303, Hollywood Sta.
97304, West Salem Sta.
97305, Hayesville Sta.
97305, Brooks Branch
97306, Vista Sta.
97307, Keizer Branch
97308, Pringle Park Sta.
97309, Downtown PO Boxes
97310, Oregon State Government
97311, Department of Employment
97312, SAIF Insurance
97313, State Farm Insurance
97314, Department of Motor Vehicles
97315-97316, reserved for expansion
97317, Downtown Sta.
97318-97319, reserved for expansion
97320, Agate Beach (closed CPO of Newport)
97321, Albany
97322, Albany
97323, (not yet found)
97324, Alsea
97325, Aumsville
97326, Blodgett
97327, Brownsville
97328, Burnt Woods (closed to Eddyville)
97329, Cascadia
97330, Corvallis
97331, Oregon State University
97332, OSU Dorms
97333, Corvallis
97334, (not yet found)
97335, Crabtree PO Boxes
97336, Crawfordsville PO Boxes
97337, Cutler City (merged into Lincoln City)
97338, Dallas
97339, McCoy (original holder; closed CPO of Dallas)
97339, Corvallis PO Boxes
97340, Delake (merged into Lincoln City)
97341, Depoe Bay
97342, Detroit
97343, Eddyville
97344, Falls City
97345, Foster
97346, Gates
97347, Grande Ronde
97348, Halsey
97349, Harlan (closed to Burnt Woods)
97350, Idanha
97351, Independence
97352, Jefferson
97353, Kings Valley (closed to Monmouth)
97354, Lacomb (closed to Lebanon)
97355, Lebanon
97356, (not yet found)
97357, Logsden
97358, Lyons
97359, Marion (PO closed, zip delivered from Turner)
97360, Mill City
97361, Monmouth
97362, Mount Angel
97363, Nelscott (merged into Lincoln City)
97364, Neotsu
97365, Newport
97366, South Beach (CPO of Newport)
97367, Oceanlake (merged into Lincoln City)
97367, Lincoln City
97368, Otis
97369, Otter Rock (PO closed, zip delivered from Newport)
97370, Philomath
97371, Rickreall
97372, Rose Lodge PO Boxes
97373, Saint Benedict PO Boxes
97374, Scio
97375, Scotts Mills
97376, Seal Rock
97377, Shedd
97378, Sheridan
97379, Ballston (closed CPO of Sheridan)
97380, Siletz
97381, Silverton
97382, (not yet found)
97383, Stayton
97384, Mehama PO Boxes (CPO of Stayton)
97385, Sublimity
97386, Sweet Home
97387, Taft (merged into Lincoln City)
97388, Gleneden Beach PO Boxes (CPO of Lincoln City, formerly of Taft)
97389, Tangent
97390, Tidewater
97391, Toledo
97392, Turner
97393, Valsetz (town destroyed by Boise-Cascade in 1980)
97394, Waldport
97395, Waterloo (closed to Lebanon)
97396, Willamina
97397, Wren (closed to Philomath)
973 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
974, Eugene and surrounds
97401, Downtown Sta.
97402, Westside Sta.
97403, University Sta.
97404, River Road Sta.
97405, Southside Sta.
97406, Agness
97407, Allegany PO Boxes
97408, Alpine (original holder; closed to Monroe)
97408, Coburg Br.
97409, Alvadore PO Boxes
97410, Azalea
97411, Bandon
97412, Blachly
97413, Blue River
97414, Broadbent
97415, Brookings
97415, Harbor (CPO of Brookings)
97416, Camas Valley
97417, Canyonville
97418, Cascade Summit (closed to Crescent Lake)
97419, Cheshire
97420, Coos Bay
97421, (not yet found)
97422, (not yet found)
97423, Coquille
97424, Cottage Grove
97425, Crescent Lake
97426, Creswell
97427, Culp Creek (closed to Dorena)
97428, Curtin (PO closed, zip delivered from Cottage Grove)
97429, Days Creek
97430, Deadwood
97431, Dexter
97432, Dillard PO Boxes
97433, Disston (closed to Culp Creek)
97434, Dorena
97435, Drain
97436, Elkton
97437, Elmira
97438, Fall Creek
97438, Jasper (CPO of Fall Creek)
97439, Florence
97440, (not yet found)
97440, Downtown Eugene PO Boxes
97441, Gardiner
97442, Glendale
97443, Glide
97444, Gold Beach
97445, Greenleaf (closed to Deadwood)
97446, Harrisburg
97447, Idleyld Park
97448, Junction City
97449, Lakeside
97450, Langlois
97451, Lorane PO Boxes
97452, Lowell
97453, Mapleton
97454, Marcola
97455, Milo (original holder; closed to Tiller)
97455, Pleasant Hill (formerly a CPO of Eugene)
97456, Monroe
97457, Myrtle Creek
97458, Myrtle Point
97459, North Bend
97460, Norway (closed to Myrtle Point)
97461, Noti
97462, Oakland
97463, Oakridge
97464, Ophir PO Boxes (located in Nesika Beach)
97465, Port Orford
97466, Powers
97467, Reedsport
97467, Winchester Bay (CPO of Reedsport)
97468, Remote (closed to Myrtle Point)
97469, Riddle
97470, Roseburg
97471, Roseburg
97472, Saginaw (PO and zip closed, delivery from Cottage Grove)
97473, Scottsburg
97474, (not yet found)
97475, Sitkum (closed to Myrtle Point)
97475, Springfield PO Boxes
97476, Sixes (PO closed, ZIP still active, delivered from Port Orford)
97477, Springfield
97478, Sunny Valley (original holder; closed to Wolf Creek)
97478, Springfield
97479, Sutherlin
97480, Swisshome
97481, Tenmile
97482, Thurston PO Boxes (delivery closed to Springfield)
97483, Tiernan (closed to Mapleton)
97484, Tiller
97485, Trent
97486, Umpqua
97487, Veneta
97488, Vida
97489, Walterville
97490, Walton
97491, Wedderburn PO Boxes
97492, Westfir
97493, Westlake (Dunes City)
97494, Wilbur PO Boxes
97495, Winchester PO Boxes
97496, Winston
97497, Wolf Creek
97498, Yachats
97499, Yoncalla
974 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
975, Medford and surrounds
97501, Medford
97502, Central Point Br.
97503, White City Br.
97504, Medford
97505-97519, reserved for expansion
97520, Ashland
97521, Brownsboro (closed to Eagle Point)
97522, Butte Falls
97523, Cave Junction
97524, Eagle Point
97525, Gold Hill
97526, Grants Pass
97527, Grants Pass
97528, Grants Pass PO Boxes
97529, (not yet found)
97530, Jacksonville
97531, Kerby
97532, Merlin
97533, Murphy PO Boxes
97534, O'Brien
97535, Phoenix
97536, Prospect
97537, Rogue River
97538, Selma
97539, Shady Cove
97540, Talent
97541, Trail
97542, (not yet found)
97543, Wilderville
97544, Williams
975 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
976, Klamath Falls and surrounds
97601, Klamath Falls
97602, Klamath Falls
97603, Klamath Falls
97604, Crater Lake PO Boxes
97605-97619, reserved for expansion
97620, Adel
97621, Beatty
97622, Bly
97623, Bonanza
97624, Chiloquin
97625, Dairy (PO closed; zip delivered from Klamath Falls)
97626, Fort Klamath
97627, Keno
97628, Klamath Agency (closed to Fort Klamath)
97629, (not yet found)
97630, Lakeview
97631, (not yet found)
97632, Malin
97633, Merrill
97634, Midland
97635, New Pine Creek
97636, Paisley
97637, Plush PO Boxes (delivery from Lakeview)
97638, Silver Lake
97639, Sprague River
97640, Summer Lake
97641, Christmas Valley
976 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
977, Bend and Central Oregon
97701, Bend
97702, Bend
97703-97706, reserved for expansion
97707, Sunriver
97708, Bend PO Boxes
97709, Bend PO Boxes
97710, Andrews (original holder, moved to Fields)
97710, Fields +++++
97711, Ashwood
97712, Brothers
97713-97719, unused
97720, Burns
97721, Princeton +++++
97722, Diamond +++++
97723-97729, unused
97730, Camp Sherman
97731, Chemult
97731, Diamond Lake (CPO of Chemult)
97732, Crane
97733, Crescent
97734, Culver
97735, Fort Rock
97736, Frenchglen +++++
97737, Gilchrist
97738, Hines
97739, La Pine
97740, Lawen (closed to Burns)
97741, Madras
97742, Metolius (closed to Madras)
97743-97749, unused
97750, Mitchell
97751, Paulina
97752, Post
97753, Powell Butte
97754, Prineville
97755, (not yet found)
97756, Redmond
97757, (not yet found)
97758, Riley
97759, Sisters
97759, Black Butte Ranch PO Boxes (CPO of Sisters)
97760, Terrebonne
97760, Crooked River Ranch (CPO of Terrebonne)
97761, Warm Springs
977 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
978, Pendleton and Eastern Oregon
97801, Pendleton
97802-97809, reserved for expansion
97810, Adams
97811, Alicel
97812, Arlington
97813, Athena
97814, Baker City
97815, (not yet found)
97816, (not yet found)
97817, Bates
97818, Boardman
97819, Bridgeport (PO closed, zip delivered from John Day)
97820, Canyon City
97821, Cayuse (closed to Pendleton)
97822, Cecil (closed to Ione)
97823, Condon
97824, Cove
97825, Dayville
97826, Echo
97827, Elgin
97828, Enterprise
97829, Flora
97830, Fossil
97830, Mayville (closed CPO of Fossil)
97831, Fox (closed to Long Creek)
97832, Gibbon (closed to Adams)
97833, Haines
97834, Halfway
97835, Helix
97836, Heppner
97836, Hardman (closed CPO of Heppner)
97837, Hereford
97838, Hermiston
97839, Lexington
97840, Homestead (moved to Brownlee)
97840, Brownlee (moved to Oxbow)
97840, Oxbow
97841, Imbler
97842, Imnaha
97843, Ione
97844, Irrigon
97845, John Day
97846, Joseph
97847, Keating (closed to Baker City)
97848, Kimberly
97849, Kinzua (closed to Fossil)
97850, La Grande
97851, Island City (closed CPO of La Grande)
97852, (not yet found)
97853, (not yet found)
97854, (not yet found)
97855, Lonerock (now a Condon rural route)
97856, Long Creek
97857, Lostine
97858, McNary (closed to Umatilla)
97859, Meacham PO Boxes (delivery from Pendleton)
97860, Medical Springs (closed to Baker City)
97861, Mikkalo (PO closed, zip delivered from Arlington)
97862, Milton-Freewater
97863, Minam (closed to Wallowa)
97864, Monument
97865, Mount Vernon
97866, New Bridge (closed to Richland)
97867, North Powder
97868, Pilot Rock
97869, Prairie City
97870, Richland
97871, Rieth (closed to Pendleton)
97872, Ritter (closed to Long Creek)
97873, Seneca
97874, Spray
97875, Stanfield
97876, Summerville
97877, Sumpter
97878, Telocaset (closed to North Powder)
97879, Troy (closed to Flora)
97880, Ukiah
97880, Dale (CPO of Ukiah)
97881, Umapine (closed to Milton-Freewater)
97882, Umatilla
97883, Union
97884, Unity
97885, Wallowa
97886, Weston
978 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
979, Malheur County (served from Boise)
97901, Adrian
97902, Arock PO Boxes (delivery from Jordan Valley)
97903, Brogan (PO closed, zip delivered from Vale)
97904, Drewsey
97905, Durkee PO Boxes (delivery from Huntington)
97906, Harper
97907, Huntington
97908, Ironside (PO closed, zip delivered from Vale)
97909, Jamieson
97910, Jordan Valley
97911, Juntura
97912, Lime (closed to Huntington)
97913, Nyssa
97914, Ontario
97915-97916, reserved for expansion
97917, Riverside (PO closed, zip delivered from Juntura)
97918, Vale
97919, Willowcreek
97920, Westfall PO Boxes (delivery from Harper)
979 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979
986, SW Washington (served by Portland)
98601, Amboy
98602, Appleton
98603, Ariel
98604, Battleground
98605, Bingen
98606, Brush Prairie
98607, Camas
98608, Camp Bonneville
98609, Carrolls
98610, Carson
98611, Castle Rock
98612, Cathlamet
98613, Centerville (PO closed, zip active)
98614, Chinook
98615, Cook
98616, Cougar
98617, Dallesport
98618, Frankfort, felida, deep river, eden?
98619, Glenwood
98620, Goldendale
98621, Grays River (PO closed, zip active)
98622, Heisson
98623, Husum
98624, Ilwaco
98625, Kalama
98626, Kelso
98628, Klickitat
98629, La Center
98630, lexington, laurel, lewisville?
98631, Long Beach
98632, Longview
98634, Lucia
98635, Lyle
98636, Megler
98637, Nahcotta
98638, Naselle
98639, North Bonneville
98640, Ocean Park
98641, Oysterville
98642, Ridgefield
98643, Rosburg
98644, Seaview
98645, Silverlake (PO closed, zip active)
98647, Skamokawa
98648, Stevenson
98649, Toutle
98650, Trout Lake
98651, Underwood
98652-98659 reserved for expansion
98660, Vancouver (Downtown)
98661, Vancouver
98662, Vancouver
98663, Vancouver
98664, Vancouver
98665, Vancouver
98666, Vancouver PO
98667-98669 reserved for expansion
98670, Wahkiacus
98671, Washougal
98672, White Salmon
98673, Wishram
98674, Woodland
98675, Yacolt
98676, Yale
98677-98681 reserved for expansion
98682, Vancouver (Orchards)
98683, Vancouver
98684, East Vancouver
98685, Vancouver
98686, Vancouver
986 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - Bonus photos