Oregon Zip list


Standard black text means the post office has been shot and is in the photo album.  Red means I have either not driven by or could not find an old PO on a drive-byBlue means that someone else's photo temporarily occupies the spot.  Once the page is entirely black you can consider my job done.

ZIP Codes 97000-97999 are all in Oregon.  The numbering scheme is as follows:

Within each 3-digit designation, numbers are issued in the following manner: The main post office is given the -01 ZIP Code (Salem 97301). Some space may or may not be reserved (-02 to -19, for instance). The rest of the communities in the area are then alphabetized and issued numbers in that order. Generally you will see the A- communities at the top of the list and the Z- communities at the bottom. In some cases, post office names may be out of order. One reason could be that a rural post office is served by another larger one as in the case of the closed out McCoy (97339) having been served by Dallas (97338).

Italicized entries are defunct ZIP Codes that are no longer recognized. Most of these communities' postal services have been absorbed by a neighboring community. Some of these ZIP Codes have been re-issued (such as 97339 from McCoy to Corvallis).


The list!

top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - 986

970, East of Portland

970 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - 986

971, West of Portland

971 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 

972, City of Portland

 (Stations unless otherwise noted)

972 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

973, Salem and surrounds

973 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

974, Eugene and surrounds

974 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

975, Medford and surrounds

975 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

976, Klamath Falls and surrounds

976 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

977, Bend and Central Oregon

977 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979

978, Pendleton and Eastern Oregon

978 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 

979, Malheur County (served from Boise)

979 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 

986, SW Washington (served by Portland)

986 photos - top - 970 - 971 - 972 - 973 - 974 - 975 - 976 - 977 - 978 - 979 - Bonus photos